There are a huge number of restaurants in Belgrade that offer numerous gourmet delicacies and specialties from different climates, with which we can satisfy hunger but also reward our palates and heart, enjoying our favorite flavors. If fast time has brought us a fast way of eating – why not use the opportunity to sometimes enjoy “bad” portions of “food for the soul”.
However, fast food makes Belgrade (and Serbia) different in relation to other world capitals. What Belgrade’s fast food stands out are much fresher and, mostly, locally grown foods for products.
After the main party, there is usually an after party. But there are also people who like to go to some good HAS instead.
We present you most famous places for night / morning HAS.
The barbecue near Loki has been known for decades, the so-called legend of the upper and lower Dorcol. It is located at the address Strahinjića Bana 36. If you pass there in the early morning hours, exhausted from the all-night chatter, stop by Loki’s famous burger!
Pizza time
Eating a slice of pizza with ketchup (for some, mayonnaise) is probably the most famous “fast food” pleasure and the most popular fast food in the world. There is pizza in Belgrade at every step, but there are especially popular places in the city where it will delight you. It should be borne in mind that the pizza is especially high quality and delicious in these parts, even more than in Europe – much tastier than from a kiosk in your homeland, Italy.
For soft dough, Neapolitan or something thinner, a perfect relationship of hope and topping, you should visit places in Belgrade where the best pizza is sold, in the opinion of most of its fans. Be free and on your next visit to the capital, include pizzerias such as:
- Bucko – It has existed since 1997, in two locations. In Francuska Street No. 8 and in Belgrade 56, and for a slice of pizza with the famous chicken or beef salad, you can go until 2 o’clock after midnight.
- Pizzeria Trg, on Trg Republike – In addition to the famous capricciosa and kulen, or pancakes in all combinations, another of the many positive characteristics of this pizzeria are very low prices but excellent quality.

Šiš kebab
In the famous boulevard of the Hungry in Zemun, there is an even more famous Shish kebab. Night birds know that this is the most delicious meal they can eat in Zemun, but also in the surrounding area.
Good Food
In the early morning hours in front of Fast Food on the Green Wreath is always crowded. This is absolutely normal given that they have extremely good food.
The facility that can match Šiša is the Pinocchio Pancake House, which is also located in Zemun in Karađorđeva Street. In addition to sweets, savory pancakes are also incredibly popular here.