The New Year brought good news to the people of Belgrade. Namely, on the list published by the “Big Seven Travel” portal...
In July 2007, the first episode of the Mad Men series aired. The first frame of the first episode shows people in...
Is it strange to you that smoking is allowed at every step in Belgrade?Okay, that’s not so weird, if a cigarette is...
The benches keep our secrets, they sigh together with the first kisses, they absorb the tears of crying eyes. They are refuges...
The new year arrived just a few days ago, and it seems that the euphoria is not diminishing, even though we are...
There is no doubt that foreigners are always delighted with the food in Belgrade, and we also adore our domestic, Serbian cuisine....
Mountain Kosmaj is only 55 km away from Belgrade. Its slopes stretch through five Belgrade municipalities, connecting: Mladenovac, Sopot, Grocka, Barajevo and...
Some New Years are more eagerly awaited than others. The passing year has brought us many challenges, uncertainties and worries. That is...
Due to the current epidemiological situation in Serbia, there will be no organized New Year’s Eve. Public gatherings are forbidden, there will...
Designing the temple, which will become one of the most beautiful in Belgrade, architects Branko and Petar Krstić followed the tradition of...