Whenever you go to a foreign country, you should try some national dish for which that country is famous. Of course, not everyone likes certain foods, spices or types that are a specialty in that country. For example, somewhere specialty dishes are prepared from insects, reptiles or game, which many people would not want to try.
What makes the national cuisine key is precisely that it marks the tradition of a country. Food will often be one of the first associations to a certain region, region, country or continent, so here are three of our traditional dishes that you must try when you come to Belgrade.
Traditional Serbian dish – grilled piglets is one of the most popular Serbian meals. Every important event, celebration or celebration, wedding as a holiday that is celebrated in the family cannot pass without this specialty. It is known that pork or, popularly speaking, “roasting” is prepared for Christmas, Easter and sometimes the New Year. Serbs say that this dish is best prepared by roasting on charcoal, while turning it slowly and constantly on a spit for several hours. It is a tradition for the hosts to gather then and participate in the preparation with a glass of boiled brandy or wine. Today, you can try pork in several ways, with additional sauces, specially prepared, but the real traditional preparation is simple and the most beautiful. If you are planning a visit to the capital and you do not intend to stay in the city center, our recommendation are apartments in the vicinity of Belgrade, because the owners will surely invite you to try their pork, which they prepare in the right, Serbian, traditional way.

Serbs adopted this dish a long time ago, although many claim that sarma is a dish that originates from Turkey, everyone will claim that sarma is so good here that we got full copyright to it. Joke aside, sarma is a dish that fascinates foreigners, even with us there is no person who does not like this specialty. Its preparation is also specific, and the cooking process itself takes a little longer. In fact, the essence is that all good dishes require a lot of time, therefore, the dishes become excellent, a real delicacy and a feature of one nation. Sarma is prepared from minced meat which, after mixing with many spices, is placed in a leaf of sauerkraut and then put to cooking, which lasts at least three hours, and is most delicious when cooked over a low heat all night. Sarma can be prepared with pork and beef, or just rice if you are fasting. There are many recipes, but the essence is the same. Sarma is definitely a favorite, and after the first bite it becomes a favorite dish of every tourist.

It is also one of the famous dishes that provokes divided opinions, and can be prepared in several ways and with different ingredients. Beans are an tempting meal for some, not so much for some, some prefer the so-called cloto beans, others prefer the famous prebranac. However, beans are just another one of the famous Serbian dishes and can be cooked without anything, and can also be with various additives, such as dried meat or sausages. It can be prepared as a lean and fatty dish, and its preparation also takes an average of between 4 and 6 hours.