Spring is the time when everything blooms and smells. Finally the beautiful days have arrived, the sun has finally granulated and we can finally enjoy the beautiful weather, at least as much as the situation allows.
Considering that this year is also in the sign of the crown, and all manifestations are postponed or canceled, the Flower Fair is still being held!
Spring in Belgrade is truly magical and it is quite certain that this year’s Flower Fair will bring back a smile on the faces of people who have been in a certain kind of isolation for a long time.
This flower fair, which is both exhibition and sales, is organized by the Association of Growers and Lovers of Flowers of Serbia.

The largest producers and importers of seedlings of conifers, ornamental shrubs and deciduous trees, as well as seeds, accompanying equipment for garden maintenance and protective equipment, have been gathering at this fair for years.
About 35 exhibitors from all over Serbia will take part in its edition.
The flower fair is held in the Manege Park from April 2 to 11, every day from 9:00 to 19:00. Since the exhibition space of Manjež Park will also be a sales area, you will be able to buy many interesting products. So you will have the opportunity to buy the most beautiful and highest quality flowers, perennials, bulbs, cacti, pottery and at very reasonable prices – up to 30% discount on potted species and dendromaterial.