Chinese restaurants in Belgrade are characterized by characteristic cuisine, and mostly excellent service and nice interiors. Exotic Chinese food, which is a favorite type of cuisine for many, has gained its loyal fans, and continues to acquire it throughout the capital.
We researched for you and made a selection of the best Chinese restaurants in Belgrade. Find out below which Chinese restaurants they are
Wok Republic Asian Restaurant
The Chinese restaurant that definitely deserves to be on the list of the best in town is Wok Republic. This restaurant chain has its address in Tel Aviv and in the very center of Belgrade, in Francuska Street. Wok Republic is not only Chinese, but a fast food Asian restaurant, so you will find dishes coming from different Asian cuisines in their menu.
Wok Republic Chinese Restaurant specializes in preparing wok dishes with rice and noodles. These dishes are made in the open kitchen, which makes the whole dining experience in this restaurant especially exciting. The mix of scents you will feel and the flavors you will try, makes the atmosphere in the Wok Republic similar to that of the charming Asian markets.
The interior of the restaurant is designed in a modern and reduced way. Urban and very interesting, the interior in Wok Republic is one of the favorites in the city for many! Be sure to visit this Asian restaurant!

Macau Chinese Restaurant
Chinese cuisine in its authentic form and with top specialties is available at the Macau Restaurant. The Chinese restaurant Makao is available at 3 addresses in Belgrade: in the center (Starine Novaka 7a), on Kanarevo brdo (Pere Velimirovića 7) and in New Belgrade (Prve pruge 8).
All Chinese restaurants in Macau are characterized by a pleasant atmosphere, ambience decorated with Chinese motifs and colors, and the most important – a long menu of Chinese specialties.
Chinese chefs, who learned the craft on the coastal branches of China, make sure that every meal in Macau is prepared in the best and highest quality way. Chinese seafood specialties are a special trump card of Macau restaurants, and experienced chefs will make sure that the aromas and flavors of the meal leave an unforgettable impression on you!
Soya Chinese Restaurant
The urbanly designed Chinese restaurant Soya is a favorite choice of many when choosing a Chinese food restaurant in Belgrade. Chinese cuisine in Soya sauce restaurants really leaves no one indifferent.
Soya Chinese restaurants are located in as many as 4 locations in the city: on Autokomanda, King Alexander Boulevard, Banovo Brdo and New Belgrade. Extremely long menu Soya Chinese restaurant additionally recommends to all lovers of this type of food. Delivery of Chinese food from Soya to the desired address is possible, and very popular.

Asian Food
Another restaurant on the list that has defined itself not only as Chinese, but as an Asian restaurant, is Asia Food, which highlights the nutritional and nutritional value of Asian cuisine. No list of Chinese restaurants in Belgrade can pass without Asia!
The interior of Asia Food is quite modern and discreetly decorated, and the authentic Asian and even Chinese food offered here is delicious and extremely popular. The menu of Asia Food is full of varied and exotic dishes, and each of these dishes leaves a strong impression at first glance, and then a bite.